Saturday, March 10, 2007


I am going to let you all in on a secret....

I LOVE ribbon and patterned paper.

Since scrapbooking has done so well, the variety of papers out there is awesome. I remember the day when we had to make our own background paper to use with stamping. Now the choices are limitless it seems.

So, every so often I go on a binge of hunting and buying ribbon and patterned paper. Really, I think it is the hunt that is most exciting. Because when I get home, I put the ribbon and paper aside because of time. At the store, I could sit right down and start creating. Hmm..maybe I need to develop a portable stamp table so I can do this.

I am going to a haunt that I have not been to in a year I bet. So, I am not doing to bad am I? I am just on this kick to seek out paper and ribbon. Jacques may go with me. He is a good shopper. I know he has had enough when he is bending over in his umbrella stroller, running Thomas the Tank Engine on the store floor. I am hoping Paul will watch him this AM so I can go, but if not, I don't mind taking Jacques with me.

What paper do I like best?? In addition to Stampin' Up's!
Basic Grey - LOVE it!
Crate - soft and yummy
Fancy Pants
Rhonna Farrer - through Autumn Leaves

Basic, Fancy, and Rhonna - are somewhat abstract, with great design in them. They are definitely different for me, and there is just something about them that grabs me and pulls me in. I have thought about hanging the paper in the Stamp Station just because I like the colors and design and I would like to look at it instead of putting it away. I draw inspiration from looking at it. HMMMMM....

I was very excited to read that Basic Grey came out with their line in a 6x6 pad. Jo's has a couple of the pads on the older line, but the new line - 5 of them - I found online. What is great about this is Basic Grey took their paper and shrunk it down to a 6x6 size. So you have the 12x12 image size, just shrunken - great for card making. I found the 6x6 pads at

Those are my top four as of now. The list can always grow right??

I said that I would do some stamping this weekend and I am going to do my best to do that and post.

Here I go.

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