Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday bird

I case'd this from a Papercraft magazine cover.  I liked the layout and was able to use the DCVW premade cards I had.  I purchased the die-cut stickers from JoAnne's $1.00 bin.  I think 6 - 8 birds came in a package (which means you will be seeing more of them).  I knew for the price..I could do something with them. 

I used the DCVW premade card; a scrapbook background paper I had in my stash; chocolate chip cardstock; and some ivory sheen ribbon. Punches:  I used  SU! large corner rounder and SU! southwestern corner punch,  or was it called aztec corner punch. I cannot remember, but it is a good punch to have around.

Have a good week.  Thanks for looking.

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