Sunday, September 7, 2008

A new adventure and trying to find a schedule


Good morning Stampers!

Remember when I said I had some news that has me harried and overwhelmed?
Well....I have returned to school full time and in addition work part time.
I have been given a wonderful gift. I was offered a full assistantship while attending classes this year. That means I work for my schooling. The books pictured here are not all the books I am required to have. I was waiting on three more from Amazon. That doesn't include all the journal articles I have to read in addition to the text books.

I began to think about all the different "hats" I am wearing currently:
Wife, mother, daughter(in-law), friend, student, graduate assistant, stamper, "the boys" owner (and they don't let me forget when they need to go out or need to eat!). There are a few more roles, but the ones listed come to mind right away.
I decided to return to school and get my degree in Counselor Education and Supervision. I cannot tell you all the emotions that go through my head in a matter of a day, no make that an hour at times! And I think it is because I am learning how to organize and manage all the demands of life.

I have to say how much college has changed. Technology has become an integral part of it all, and I find that to be my biggest barrier. I continually remind myself that others have done it before me and I can do this as well. But, whew, there is a lot to learn. The university does not use Microsoft Outlook. I knew that e-mail system and calendar very well. I was proficient. I am now back to square one. I totally feel like a freshmen trying to learn just the basics to survive! It is like having the wind knocked out of you and physically trying to catch it!

I have already meet with the Statistics teacher to talk about two pieces of software. Pretty neat there is software just for statistical analysis. I also met with one of the librarians to learn how to find journal articles, audiovisual, and books. It is not limited to just that library, but throughout Ohio. I am amazed. I am setting up one more appointment with another librarian about another piece of software that will be helpful to me. I have learned that librarians can have specialty areas or concentrations. I am grateful for that.

I am blessed to have a couple of "coaches" out there. You know who you are! They help me to stay grounded.

That comes to my next statement. I will not be able to post everyday, or more frequently, like I was doing before school started. I am thinking if I can post at least three times a week, I am doing well. I have not figured out which days they will be since I am still trying to figure out my own schedule, but I want to at least post "regularly" on those days, which I have yet to identify.

I am telling you all this so that you do not think I have forgotten, or I have a lack of interest in stamping and blogging. I do very much. You can still check out my friend's blog - Rubbah Lovin' Fool - link on left sidebar. Her entry's are entertaining to read and she adds some photos of her pets.

Thanks for hanging in there with me, and you may just get this degree vicariously through me as I will most likely share what is going on in my journey.

Come back tomorrow - I will have a card post for you!

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