Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bad Blogger

Good morning Stampers!

How have you all been? Wondering where I have been, what I have been doing and overall where the heck I have been? Me too! All I can say is that I am a bad blogger. No other name for it, and no other name I will state :). I hope in the next day or two to tell you what has been going on. A bit harried and overwhelming at my end. I am still trying to catch up with myself. I think I might have a schedule made up to accomodate my new harried and overwhelmingness and once I let you in on it I think you will understand and have a bit more compassion and understanding for me, or at least I hope you do.

I don't have a card post for you today, but I can say that I am working on a stamp camp for this Saturday. You know what that means...card posting can be erratic at that.

I do have a suggestion though. Visit my friend's blog - Rubbah Lovin' Fool She has been creatively lately and is trying some new things. Oh, do one thing for me. Leave her a comment at the end of her post and state she needs to change the picture of herself. She is better looking than the one she has posted and needs to get a picture of herself on her blog. Thanks for doing that!

Okay, back to what I need to get done. I will have something for you Wednesday.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a matter with my picture??? I think it makes me look much younger and prettier than I really am! Hmmph!