Friday, May 16, 2008


Happy Friday everyone!

We are at the end of the work week...if you're work week is Monday through Friday. What this means to me is that the weekend is here and that means closer to getting to stamping. Although this weekend is the "New to you" rubber stamp sale. Each year I get better at letting go and each year I get better at understanding myself with my "rubbah". I know I am a hoarder. I am making steps at changing this. I tell myself that the next latest and greatest will be coming out and the "thing" I just had to have will be passe and I will want the next thing. If I don't use the "thing" then it will be old and will become clutter for me.
I have posted here once before about my hoarding issue with papercrafting. I am doing my best not to purchase more patterned paper - it is just so pretty! I have several of the Die Cut with a View Mat stacks. I know I will not use all that patterned paper in them, so my friend and I are going to split them up and she will take some of the duplicate papers in the stack - some come with four sheets of one design. I won't use all of them, because I get "tired" of the same one. is my challenge to you.. split some things up with a friend. 1. You will get rid of some of that clutter. 2. You will make someone else happy because they are getting something "new", and 3. You can receive something "new" to you from someone else.

Have fun!

Stampingly yours,

Dee Dee

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