Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stamp Room

Hello -

I did not post on Friday. I took my son to see Thomas the Tank Engine that was close by.
I was hoping to do some stamping last night, but I "hit the wall". Hopefully I can post a couple of pictures of the day later on.

Right now, I am doing a needed cleaning of the stamp room. Seems to be happening more often as of late. When my brain is in the mode, I do with it. I have some stuff that is just outdated! It was in at the time, but now it is "out". Since I am doing my best not to buy and trying very hard not to hoard, I hope to be "in" for a change. I suppose that would be a phrase I would use.

Anyway, I hope to be able to post a card or so later sometime this weekend. I always have ideas going around in my head, but never enough time to create them. I am sure there are many that feel this way.

I am currently printing out the next class as we speak. Look for more information on that coming soon.

Back to sorting and either trashing, donating or selling :)

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