Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Alas, to my dismay..
It is sad to say, but the stress of the week has caught up to me. I thought I would be able to post something, but I have run out of time. Tomorrow night is the women's group I am providing the two birthday cards for them to complete. By the time I get home (9:00 PM) I will have to get ready for work the next day. The next day is when I leave for vacation after work. I still have laundry to finish, pack and gather some things together. I was hoping the chance to get some stamping stuff together to take, but I am coming to the realization that I won't have time for that. I am taking the computer to hopefully clean up some files - some that have been there for years!
So, just to let you know...there will be no postings until the first week of August. I thought I would be upfront about that. Please come back the beginning of August and check things out.
On a non-stamping related topic. I witnessed something very disturbing to me. I was coming out of the credit union when I heard a man yelling. I looked out and he was driving his car on a busy main street. Now, you know he had to be loud for me to hear him. The woman in the car was getting out - thankfully he stopped to let her out. He yelled some more - couldn't hear what he was saying - and then drove off to the next side street. She was walking. I did not see him hit her, just yell - which is bad enough. So here is my comment. If any of you are in an abusive relationship - verbal, physical and/or mental - please, please, please find help. You are worth more than being someone's punching bag. Enough said.
Have a good week Stampers! I will see you soon.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Retired Accessory list at Stampin' Up
If you haven't already been there, go to and look at the retirement accessory list. There will be a link to a list. Don't be surprised. It is a short list and fits on one sheet of paper! I did not see any punches on the retirement list, which made me very happy!
It truly bothers me that I have no card to post here. It isn't that I don't want to stamp and post something. I have ideas and enthusiasm for that! Today, I waited all day for the "Brown Guy" to deliver my box of goodies. Unfortunately, I'm still on the end of his do I get that changed??? I am sad to announce that EVERYTHING is still in its original packaging - HORROR, I know and I think I heard some audible gasps - can't blame you there.
This week I have way too much on my plate. Have you ever had a week like that? I have several deadlines and I have these weeks every so often. I go out of my mind trying to juggle everything.
Here is what is going on:
I have a deadline with a couple's bridal shower - design is done, it is just stamping and assembly. Finish that on my vacation.
A women's group that I am to hostess and provide the "guts" for making two birthday cards - done and ready to go, but I need to get the Hostess items together.
A BIG deadline for work.
Get the family together to go on our FIRST week long vacation. Fortunately I have a house & dog sitter already lined up!
Oh - my son now has specific Thomas the Tank Engine episodes he wants to watch, and I am clueless as to what ones they are!
Okay, I think that is enough of that. I am going to do my best to post this week before leaving and then having nothing for a week - wanted to prepare you now. Where I am going, I will have no Internet connections. I will have withdraw as the Internet is my television.
Thanks for being patient with me and checking back!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Simple Sunday -For a Friend
Stamp Camp went great yesterday. Once again I learned new things from these Stampers! We shared, we laughed, and made cards! Next time I will take my camera so you can see the fun we have. OH! and I got to share a new tip that was developed by moi! I have been asked to share the tip on my blog, so I will. Just not today :)
I made a simple 3x3 card today. An A2 just seemed overwhelming to me! I am trying to be aware of color combinations and when I see how other stampers put them together it seems so easy. When I get to my stamp table and begin to pull out papers, I become overwhelmed and under confident in my choices. Here is where some art background would be helpful. I know there are primary, secondary and tertiary colors and then there is analogous colors - huh? Foreign language I have now entered, so I will need to spend some time understanding what all this means.
So lucky for me....I have a friend from out of town that I went to high school and college with that was an art and graphic major. You know I am going to take advantage of her knowledge!
In the mean time, I chose some "safe colors". These are from the retiring In Colors from SU! I have to tell you now that Purely Pomegranate and the Blue Bayou double stitched ribbon are both sold out. I am going to miss the Purely Pomegranate ribbon. I thought it was a rich color and the quality of the ribbon, double stitched I mean, is really great! I hope the new In Colors have the coordinating double stitched ribbon as well.

For this card I used the following:
Stamp Set: For You - Hostess Level 1 - retiring August 10th
Cardstock: Purely Pomegranate, Blue Bayou, Soft Sky - all retiring August 11th, White
Ink: Same as above - applied with a SU! Blender Pen, and Staz-on Ink - Black.
Other: White satin ribbon, page pebbles....
Enjoy your day.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Saturday Stash - Happy Harmony
I pulled out an old set that I haven't been able to part with yet. This set is from Sell-a-Bration two years ago. The stamp set is called Happy Harmony. I really like the solid image because you can do several things with it. Silhouette images, or solid images, are big in stamping right now! I have a feeling there will be some in the upcoming Idea Book & Catalog. I have seen a sneak peak of two more stamp sets and two large punches. One of the punches works with the one stamp set. I was able to see this in a training video SU! provides to their Demonstrators.

Okay..I pulled out some retired stuff with this card:
Stamp sets: Happy Harmony - SAB, Linen Background, Crosshatch from Looks like Spring - retired.
Inks: Vintage Violet - InColor from 2006-2007, White craft.
Marker: Mellow moss
Friday, July 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom & Got a Goody
I have to say a "Happy Birthday" to my mom. She's a great mom. She puts up with me and all my quirks. Mom has been supportive of me with my stamping. She is willing to watch her grandson so I can have a Stamp Camp - like tomorrow. I am grateful for all that she does for me and the family.
You may be able to relate to this, or maybe not. I have the intention of making a gift for someone - I wanted to make mom something as she likes to receive cards she can send out - and I think I have plenty of time to do it in. Then the time is here and I realize I don't have enough time to complete it. I read that I am an Optimistic Procrastinator - that I feel I have plenty of time to complete the project, so I put it off. The opposite would be a Negative Procrastinator in which - yep - you don't think you have enough time to complete the project. So, I knew I was a procrastinator but it is great to know I am an Optimistic Procrastinator :)
So, yesterday I came home to find a yellow envelope mailer on my stoop. I got

Okay...back on subject. I opened the mailer and found my Sell-a-Bration rewards. SU! Demonstrators receive free stamp sets for their sales during Sell-a-Bration and any new Demonstrators that sign on. Now, if you remember Sell-a-Bration this year was BRIEF! One month. It came and went without some of us knowing what happened. This year, SU! already announced that Sell-a-Bration is going to be the months of February and March of '09. So mark your calendar now!
Oh - This set is Define Your Life. It is in the current Idea Book & Catalog and is not retiring. This set retails at $47.95 - and I got it FREE!!!
Thanks for stopping!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Can hardly stand it
It is driving me nuts not being able to post anything yet. I am almost finished with the Stamp Camp card samples, and then I can begin stamping and posting again.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Have a good day. Try and stay cool!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Got me a drawer - not just any drawer
I have a good reason as to why I did not get to post on Monday. I woke up at 3:15a.m. from a dream. In the dream I was cutting paper for my upcoming Stamp Camp. I could not get back to sleep. Then something in the air began to bother me, so I took some antihistamine. I was able to stay awake until 6:00 a.m. and then I went back to lay down. I woke up at 8:00 a.m., but still felt like I was in a fog. I really don't like that as I don't focus and lose any motivation to do anything - which included stamping. I think that should be a side effect listed on the side of the bottle or warning. Warning: may effect stamping motivation. Do not operate stamps, heat gun, cutters, hobby knife blades, etc!
As the day continued, I went and completed some errands. One of them was to purchase NON-Drowsy antihistamine! Then my father came over and installed this:

I had this idea of a pull out drawer under my stamp table. I am usually trying to think of ways to maximize space and still be functional. Now, I am blessed to have a handy father. I explained what I envisioned, and he came up with this.
This view is of it "closed".

This shows you the "top view". I can get my 12x12 cutter AND my 12x12 cutting mat, or my scoring template.
I inquired about a slot in the middle of the drawer so my scrap paper could just drop into the trash, but no could do. I think maybe my dad thought it would compromise the strength of the board if it had a slot hole in the middle of the drawer about 12 inches long. I could understand that. My consolation prize - a groove for writing instruments and my hobby craft knife!
I purchased two drawer pull outs from Home depot. The wood was just left over in my dad's workshop.
I had "my moment" in which I got to cut a piece of paper on the trimmer to "test drive it".
It is absolutely beautiful and I am extremely grateful!
Now, I won't tell you the next project I am working it will wait until Winter time.
The sewing table that I did have the cutter on, now has a sewing machine on top of it. I have wanted to try sewing on cards, but have not been motivated to pull the sewing machine out. Now, I just hope it works okay. It was giving me a fit about two months ago.
The next couple of hours, dad and I power washed the ultra mini deck and ramp - which isn't ultra mini. He showed me how to operate it. I was pretty impressed to see four years of dirt be blown away on the ultra mini deck. Now in a couple of days, Thompson Water Seal will cover it up!
Tonight I am hoping to spray for weeds and thistle. I am not sure if I will get to post again until Thursday or Friday. Some of the house chores have needed to get done for a couple of years and I have my chance to tackle them.
Thanks for hanging in there with me.
So...what do you think of my drawer?
Have a good week!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Simple Sunday - Springtime Solitude

I have an upcoming Stamp Camp this Saturday the 19th.
Still working - but I have some sneak peak pics
Well, today I don't feel like shooting my foot off with a double barrel shotgun. It is still painful to walk, but it is a little easier today.
Today I am slow in getting Simple Sunday up and running. But for now I can tell you I did finally place my sneak peak order from SU!, and probably won't see it for another week, so I thought I would show you some of the sneak peaks courtesy of my upline Jan. Then you won't have to wait!
Here are the six new In Colors side by side. Yummy!
Here they are still in their packaging!
The In Colors matched with their cardstock.
I really like how they all coordinate with each other!
Great side-by-side view of the In colors - ink pads, cardstock and the Bella Rosa DSP!
Beautiful how they all coordinate!
You can see these at my Open House in August!
You can see two Hostess sets (top left corner - Christmas circles and below it with the butterfly, leaves and flower.)
The other sets (bottom left and top right and sock monkey will be in the upcoming Idea Book & Catalog).
So you see that "thing" in the bottom right corner in blue packaging??!! Oh Yes! It is a scallop border punch! This will be easier to create the scallop border than using the small corner punch. I can tell you the price is just right - $15.95. That is the same price as the large punches SU! sells in the catalog.
Thanks for looking. Check back for Simple Sunday.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Hodge Podge Special from SU!
I am late in posting today. Yesterday I had a little time to clean up my stamp table. At least I can see the bottom of it now. My desk is another matter. I am hoping the office assistant will show up soon...but I am not holding out! Yesterday was spent getting ready for my MIL's birthday party. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we enjoyed a fire in the evening. By the end of the night, my foot and leg were swollen and it felt good to elevate it while sleeping. Continues to feel like a shard of glass in the bottom of my foot, BUT I got to take a shower last night - yahoo!
DETAILS: HODGEPODGE 25% off – each piece as low as 8 Cents each before tax and shipping.
**Pieces shown at 50% of actual size

Each Hodgepodge Hardware kit contains an assortment of shaped clips, label holders, ribbon charms, buckles, fasteners, brands and photo anchors you can use on cards, scrapbook pages, and unlimited craft projects. Included in each Hodgepodge hardware kit are approximately 138 pieces of hardware, plus 100 matching brads. That’s 238 pieces – averaging 8 cents each before tax/shipping.
DON”t WAIT : The Hodgepodge Hardware in Antique Finish, Aged Copper and Pewter will retire with the release of the Fall/Winter 2008 Stampin' Up! Idea Book & Catalog. Take advantage of the 25% discount to add to your embellishment stash
WHAT DO YOU DO WITH HODGEPODGE - Hodgepodge is great for all your stampin’ scrappin and craftin’ needs. Use to add a metallic accent, to hold a photo in place, to add a label, to frame a picture, to hang an image, to add a buckle to a bow, with ribbon, and more. The possibilities are endless.
Hodgepodge Tip You can dramatically change the appearance of the hodgepodge finish with a little fine sanding. Antique brass becomes bright brass, antique copper becomes bright cooper, pewter looks almost silver.
For those ordering all 3 finishes I will include a sanding block with your order.
Check back later for Saturday Stash.
Thanks for looking!
Friday, July 11, 2008
In Color Sneak Peak
I am sorry to say I don't have a card post for you yet today. If you could see my stamp room and desk you would be appalled. The Stamp Fairy and Stamp Assistant have not shown up yet, so it looks like I have to dive in. I also had footwork done yesterday and now my foot feels like it has a shard of glass sticking into the bottom of it. Painful to walk, but we are celebrating my MIL's birthday here tonight, so I want to tidy things up a bit.
Although there is no card to post, I hope to redeem myself with the samples of the NEW In colors that are coming out in the new 2008 - 2009 Idea Book and Catalog (release date of August 11th). Thank you Jan (upline for sending them and teammate for sending them to her). I have been asked how the colors compare with the retiring In Colors and also how they compare with the current SU! colors. So enjoy the Sneak Peak!
I will have the new In Colors at my Open House August 16th.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Stamp Camp - Date corrected
I have made an error in my date with Stamp Camp. Thanks to "Anonymous" for pointing this out :) Below has the corrected date for the event.
You have asked for it and here it is! Stamp Camp! I am planning a Stamp Camp on July 19th (Saturday) from 9:30 - 2:00 p.m. at Whipple Dale Centre.
You will be stamping a total of twelve cards. There will be four designs and you will leave with three cards each of the four designs. Envelopes are included. Cost is $18.00 BUT if you RSVP and mention you saw this on my blog you can have the Blogger Special. Mention Blog Special in the subject line and receive $2.00 off. Stamp Camp is now $16.00!
Please bring scissors and adhesive.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Check back for any updates.
TaTa for now - TTFN
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Blogger special: SU! Idea Book & Catalog Preorder
It is that time of year to pre-order the SU! 2008 - 2009 Idea Book & Catalog!
I am offering the following special for this:
Place a pre-order for the Idea Book and Special by July 19th (same day as Stamp Camp)
and your cost is $5.00. (I pay tax and shipping) Pick up at the open house if you are coming or we can make arrangements.
If you decide to wait and order at the Open House on August 16th cost is $7.00 (I pay tax and shipping) We can make arrangements for pick up.
Don't live in town? Need it mailed to you? Add $2.50 for mailing costs.
Or FREE with a $50.00 order
I will not receive these Idea Books and Catalogs until around August 11th. SU! is returning to unveiling the Idea Book and Catalog at convention again - oh the excitement.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Anything but a Card, Gift Bag
Another great thing about the SU! DSP is that they are double sided. When I made this bag, I did not need to worry about what the inside would look like since the paper is double sided. I also knew it would coordinate perfectly! That is a great "no-brainer" for me!
Here is a close up of the inside of the bag.
you can see that it is dotted.
What do you think?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Simple Sunday - Priceless

Good morning Stampers!
I am on time with my posting today, as opposed to yesterday's posting. Last Sunday I found out the family was celebrating Paul's niece - Emily's 13th birthday. I came home from church and put this together. If yesterday's card was easy peasy, this one was easier peasier - LOL.
Okay, here is what I used:
Stamps: Priceless - Thank you Marcy!
SU! Inks: Regal Rose, Basic Black
SU! cardstock: Regal Rose, Rose Red, White
SU! DSP: Bali Breeze
Other: 1/16" punch, Scallop punch, 1 3/8" punch, silver brads
That was it.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Saturday Stash - Friend
I am late in posting Saturday Stash!
Yesterday, my husband, father and myself added a ramp to our "ultra mini deck". It was a ramp that my dad at his place, but he did not need it anymore, so it came to our place. In between the times he was cutting wood, I spent the time with my "war against the weeds". This time on the other side of the yard. I got quite the workout between the two activities. And once again, became acquainted with muscles that I had forgotten about! I had to warm up to get out of bed, thus the late posting. I have to say though, with pulling up weeds, I found out I have grubs (because I found one!) and I got to show my son a baby toad - very cute! He also had fun visiting with a neighbor and then playing in the mound of dirt with his construction toys.

For today's Saturday Stash, I pulled out some retired SU! Designer series paper. I think they are gorgeous, and I love to work with the SU! DSP because they coordinate to so well. I did not have to guess as to what to use.
I found a card sketch I liked on the web and used that to base the card on. Easy Peasy!
Here is what I used:
Stamps: For a Friend - Level 1 Hostess - RETIRING this August!
Cardstock: Certainly Celery, Barely Banana, Ballet Blue, White.
SU! Designer Series Paper (DSP): Sarah - RETIRED
Ink: Staz-on - black.
SU Markers: Certainly Celery, Barely Banana, Ballet Blue
I wanted to show you on this pic that I added color

over the saying "friend" and around the flower. I also alternated the color dots with the color of the papers. I think it added to the image, so don't worry about adding color to a saying. If you aren't sure, stamp a second one on scraps and see if you like it before you add color to your finished one.
Thanks for looking!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Fourth of July
This idea came from two events. Independence Day and a stamper I know, Matthew, competed at Special Olympics last weekend. He placed fourth in Tennis singles, and fifth in Tennis doubles! Congratulations Matthew! Not sure how coordinated I would be at playing doubles. I think I would run in front of the other person to hit that ball.
I knew I wanted to make a celebration card for

both events. I used the Large and Small star punch from SU! I also used the Classic Stars Jumbo wheel from SU!.

Not all glitter is made equally! I was at JoAnn's for some curtain loops and spotted a glitter pack in the $1.00 bin. It quickly found its way into my little basket. What I want you to see here is the star on the left I punched out white cardstock, then glittered.
The punch on the right, I punched out in Brilliant Blue, then glittered. I think there is a big difference in the look of the two stars. So what is the lesson? If you are using colored glitter, try to match the color cardstock to the glitter. I think it enhances the glitter.
How I adhered the glitter to the cardstock...I used SU! Heat N Stick powder. I applied Versamark Ink, sprinkled the Heat N Stick powder on top, then heated it until it melted - but not overheat. When it is just heated, it is tacky like glue. I then added the glitter on top. For good measure, I heated it again - just a touch, and then turned the star over and pressed down - to set the glitter.

These are the two cards I came up with:
One to celebrate Independence Day and one to Congratulate Matthew on his wonderful finishes in Tennis!
Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wednesday update
Did you know that Stampin' Up! has been an industry leader for several years? Their original, exclusive stamps have earned the prestigious Creating Keepsakes Readers' Choice Award for best rubber stamps eight years in a row!
Stampin' Up has announced that all new stamp sets in the Fall-Winter 2008 Idea Book & Catalog (including new hostess sets) will be die cut for your convenience! Stampin' Up! knows we have enjoyed the flexibility of custom mounting our stamps, and with these die-cut sets, all we will need to do is pop, peel, and place before you begin stamping. If you purchased a stamp set from the Occasions Mini Catalog, you know how convenient it is to have the stamps die cut already. I know when I receive my order from Stampin' Up! I cannot wait to begin stamping! With the stamps being die cut, I can get to stamping right away! Yahoo! This is also wonderful news for those stampers who have told me some days it is too painful to cut out the rubber stamps because of their carpal tunnel (although they have also commented with the Craft and Rubber scissors that Stampin' Up! sells, this has made it much easier to cut out their stamps).
The thing to remember is only the new stamps will be die cut; sets carried over from the last catalog and those on the dormant list will still require trimming. But, each new set will feature a die cut icon so you and your customers will have no problems identifying die-cut sets.