Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Alas, to my dismay..

Good morning Stampers!

It is sad to say, but the stress of the week has caught up to me. I thought I would be able to post something, but I have run out of time. Tomorrow night is the women's group I am providing the two birthday cards for them to complete. By the time I get home (9:00 PM) I will have to get ready for work the next day. The next day is when I leave for vacation after work. I still have laundry to finish, pack and gather some things together. I was hoping the chance to get some stamping stuff together to take, but I am coming to the realization that I won't have time for that. I am taking the computer to hopefully clean up some files - some that have been there for years!
So, just to let you know...there will be no postings until the first week of August. I thought I would be upfront about that. Please come back the beginning of August and check things out.

On a non-stamping related topic. I witnessed something very disturbing to me. I was coming out of the credit union when I heard a man yelling. I looked out and he was driving his car on a busy main street. Now, you know he had to be loud for me to hear him. The woman in the car was getting out - thankfully he stopped to let her out. He yelled some more - couldn't hear what he was saying - and then drove off to the next side street. She was walking. I did not see him hit her, just yell - which is bad enough. So here is my comment. If any of you are in an abusive relationship - verbal, physical and/or mental - please, please, please find help. You are worth more than being someone's punching bag. Enough said.

Have a good week Stampers! I will see you soon.

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