Saturday, August 16, 2008

Customer Open House

Good Morning Stampers!

I have been getting ready for Customer Appreciation/Open House. It is all set up and ready to go. Okay, still have to mix up the refreshments.

Another reason I have not posted is that the Podiatrist decided he was not done having some fun with my foot. A month ago I posted about my foot...well, again I get to experience a shard of glass in the bottom of my foot. I don't have a piece of shard of glass in my foot, but it sure feels like it. So, it has not been much fun walking around and standing. So retrieving materials to make a card has not been on the top of my list of things to do. Although I want to make a card.

I have had a peek at the Mini Catalog that SU! is coming out with. All I can say is YAHOO! More Designer Series Paper, Ribbon, stamps, FELT SNOWLFLAKES, and MORE.

I look forward to you getting a chance to see it.

Thanks for looking! I will be back with a card posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it was a fun day! Thank you for appreciating your customers! Hope everybody comes to the next Stamp Camp - it'll be a good time!