Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am still here

Good morning Stampers!

I know it has been several days since I have posted anything. I wanted to let you know that I am still around. For the past couple of days I have had orientation. And last night the family went out to celebrate our wedding anniversary. No sitter, my son went with us. I thought he did well for eating out at a noisy restaurant, but that might have been the best place as he did not always speak quietly! Of course I could only get him to eat french fries! It is frustrating trying to get a child to eat a variety of things. I am headed off to orientation again today. This is my last day of it - that I am aware of. I have not had a chance to check my e-mail and respond, so please bear with me. I am almost afraid to say this, but when I get home tonight I hope to be able to stamp a little.

Thanks for stopping by!

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