Good morning Stampers!
Been wondering where I have been? Some of you have asked - and I appreciate the concern!
Remember two weeks ago when we had that high wind storm. Winds reaching 50MPH? I sure do! I watched healthy limbs get blown off their tree and hit my house power lines. Fortunately the lines did not come down with the beating they took!
Then I went out - yes, I went out into the windstorm - and pulled three large limbs out of the street. (I can see how twigs can be impaled with such force that it can go through a telephone pole!) Not at the same time, but as the storm went on - sounds like a soap opera doesn't it? Well, it becomes that way I feel. You see, I couldn't leave the limbs in the street because they were blocking the road. I live in an older neighborhood, and I wanted my neighbors to be able to get out. There was no way they were going to get out of their car and pull the limbs aside. If they could, I want to know their cereal brand as that would be a great endorsement.
Well, I
hawed and thought about abandoning ship and go to my in-laws. They still had power until 9:00 p.m. that night. We lost ours at 6:30 p.m. just as they were leaving our house from having dinner with us. We stayed the night here and Monday night. I was sure the power was going to be back on in a day. No way! It was out all week. I was behind on my readings and I needed the
Internet for school. We packed up and went to my parents - their power came back on in less than 12 hours. It was like we were on vacation! (with the exception of the
Internet - it was going in and out with the cable) I think my husband was sad we had to go back to our house at the end of the week! Finally power was restored at the end of last week! Amazing how dependent we are on electricity. It also humbled us because we were displaced for a week, can't imagine what Texas and surrounding areas are dealing with.
Okay, so I went to the basement on Saturday. I am still catching up with my readings, but I thought I could make a card while the dryer was finishing. It beat me, so I folded laundry and went back upstairs. This morning I woke up with an earache. Woke out of a dead sleep. This year I was not fooling around with it. I went to S
tatcare. Yep, they confirmed what I already knew. Ear infection. Got the antibiotics and nasal spray. I knew exactly what I needed and let the doctor know. After two years of this, I know the signs and solutions! By 2:00 p.m. it progressed to bilateral ear infections. Now, let me tell you what the advantages are. You know the disadvantages - ear pain. The husband said that our son had a "
poopy" diaper. I could not smell a thing! Nope - he still smelled like roses to me and he would have continued until he took his bath last night! Another positive..those temper tantrums just aren't as loud as they were before! Since I am currently potty training him, temper tantrums are a frequent
occurrence in the house. You know, about every couple of hours (or less if my husband smells him :)) There is one positive for my son. I am beginning to get laryngitis, so raising my voice is not so loud right now.
So, there will be no posting of pictures this week. Another thing going on...I have stamp camp this weekend, so I will be getting ready for that as well.
Surmise to say, it has been a bad two weeks. I really am hoping that I get to my stamp room soon. I am having withdraws and that adds to my crankiness.
I hope this finds all of you healthy and stamping!
See you next week.